Run ExaEpi

In order to run a new simulation:

  1. create a new directory, where the simulation will be run

  2. make sure the ExaEpi executable is either copied into this directory or in your PATH environment variable

  3. add an inputs file and on HPC systems a submission script to the directory

  4. run

cd <run_directory>

# run with an inputs file:
mpirun -np <n_ranks> ./agent <input_file>

On an HPC system, you would instead submit the job script at this point, e.g. sbatch <submission_script> (SLURM on Cori/NERSC) or bsub <submission_script> (LSF on Summit/OLCF).

Inputs Parameters

Runtime parameters are specified in an inputs file, which is required to run ExaEpi. An example inputs file can be bound at ExaEpi/examples/inputs. Below, we document the runtime parameters than can be set in the inputs file.

In addition to the ExaEpi inputs, there are also a number of runtime options that can be configured for AMReX itself. Please see XXX for more information on these options.

  • agent.ic_type (string: either "census" or "demo")

    If "census", initial conditions will be read from the provided census data file. If "demo", agents will be initialized according to a power law distribution. Note that the "demo" ic_type is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

  • agent.census_filename (string)

    The path to the *.dat file containing the census data used to set initial conditions. Must be provided if ic_type is "census". Examples of these data files are provided in ExaEpi/data/CensusData.

  • agent.worker_filename (string)

    The path to the *.bin file containing worker flow information. Must be provided if ic_type is "census". Examples of these data files are provided in ExaEpi/data/CensusData.

  • agent.initial_case_type (string)

    Either random or file. If random, agent.num_initial_cases must be set. If file, agent.case_filename must be set. Must be provided if ic_type is "census".

  • agent.case_filename (string)

    The path to the *.cases file containing the initial case data to use. Must be provided if initial_case_type is "file". Examples of these data files are provided in ExaEpi/data/CaseData.

  • agent.num_initial_cases (int)

    The number of initial cases to seed. Must be provided if initial_case_type is "random".

  • agent.nsteps (integer)

    The number of time steps to simulate. Currently, time steps are fixed at 12 hours, so to run for 30 days, input 60.

  • agent.plot_int (integer)

    The number of time steps between successive plot file writes.

  • agent.random_travel_int (integer)

    The number of time steps between long distance travel events - note that this is currently only meaningful if ic_type = "census".

  • agent.aggregated_diag_int

    The number of time steps between writing aggregated data, for example wastewater data.

  • agent.aggregated_diag_prefix (string)

    Prefix to use when writing aggregated data. For example, if this is set to cases, the aggregated data files will be named cases000010, etc.

  • agent.seed (long integer)

    Use this to specify the random seed to use for the run.

  • agent.shelter_start (integer)

    Day on which to start shelter-in-place.

  • agent.shelter_length (integer)

    Number of days shelter in-place-is in effect.

  • agent.shelter_compliance (float)

    Fraction of agents that comply with shelter-in-place order.

  • agent.symptomatic_withdraw (integer)

    Whether or not to have symptomatic agents withdraw.

  • contact.pSC (float, default: 0.2)

    This is contact matrix scaling factor for schools.

  • contact.pCO (float, default: 1.45)

    This is contact matrix scaling factor for communities.

  • contact.pNH (float, default: 1.45)

    This is contact matrix scaling factor for neighborhoods.

  • contact.pWO (float, default: 0.5)

    This is contact matrix scaling factor for workplaces.

  • contact.pFA (float, default: 1.0)

    This is contact matrix scaling factor for families.

  • contact.pBAR (float, default: -1.0)

    This is contact matrix scaling factor for bars or other large social gatherings. Setting this to < 0 turns this transmission off.

  • disease.nstrain (integer)

    The number of disease strains we’re modeling.

  • disease.p_trans (list of float, example: 0.2 0.3)

    These numbers are the probability of transmission given contact. There must be one entry for each disease strain.

  • disease.p_asymp (list of float, example: 0.4 0.4)

    The fraction of cases that are asymptomatic. There must be one entry for each disease strain.

  • disease.reduced_inf (list of float, example: 0.75 0.75)

    The relative infectiousness of asymptomatic individuals. There must be one entry for each disease strain.

  • disease.vac_eff (float, example: 0.4)

    The vaccine efficacy - the probability of transmission will be multiplied by this factor

  • disease.incubation_length_mean (float, default: 3.0)

    Mean length of the incubation period in days. Before this, agents have no symptoms and are not infectious.

  • disease.infectious_length_mean (float, default: 6.0)

    Mean length of the infectious period in days. This counter starts once the incubation phase is over. Before tihs, agents are symptomatic and can spread the disease.

  • disease.symptomdev_length_mean (float, default: 5.0)

    Mean length of the time from exposure until symptoms develop in days. During the symptomatic-but-not-infectious stage agents may self-withdraw, but they cannot spread the illness.

  • disease.incubation_length_std (float, default: 1.0)

    Standard deviation of the incubation period in days.

  • disease.infectious_length_std (float, default: 1.0)

    Standard deviation of the infectious period in days.

  • disease.symptomdev_length_std (float, default: 1.0)

    Standard deviation of the time until symptom development in days.

  • agents.size (tuple of 2 integers: e.g. (1, 1), default: (1, 1))

    This option is deprecated and will removed in a future version of ExaEpi. It controls the number of cells in the domain when running in demo mode. During actual usage, this number will be overridden and is irrelevant.

  • agent.max_grid_size (integer, default: 16)

    This option sets the maximum grid size used for MPI domain decomposition. If set to 16, for example, the domain will be broken up into grids of 16^2 communities, and these grids will be assigned to different MPI ranks / GPUs.

In addition to the ExaEpi inputs, there are also a number of runtime options that can be configured for AMReX itself. Please see <>`__ for more information on these options.